Having a learning difficulty means that people find it harder to learn certain skills. As this affects around 15% of people, it is important for those working in healthcare, social care and education to have knowledge of different learning difficulties. The purpose of this qualification is to equip learners with knowledge of a range of specific learning difficulties, such as ADHD, dyslexia and dyscalculia. The course is aimed at learners looking to improve their understanding and awareness of the below key topics, especially those working in healthcare, social care and education.
This qualification aims to give learners knowledge of different Specific Learning Difficulties, how they are diagnosed and how individuals can be supported. The qualification can be used by a wide range of learners looking to improve their knowledge and awareness in this subject area.
A statement of what a learner will know,understand or be able to do as a result of a process of learning. As well as achieve a NCFE CACHE LEVEL 2 Certificate in Understanding Specific Learning Difficulties which is an nationaly accredited and recognised qualification.
“This unit contains three sections:
Section 1: Understand specific Learning Difficulties
Section 2: Understand the effects of Specific Learning Difficulties
Section 3: Extension activites “
“This unit contains four sections:
Section 1: Understand the diagnosis of Specific Learning Difficulties
Section 2: Understanding supporting individuals with Specific Learning Difficulties
Section 3: Understand the context of Specifc Learning Difficulties
Section 4: Extension activites “
Course code
Awarding Body
Duration of course
Number of assessments
Delivery method
Online or Paper-based
Assessment method
Portfolio of evidence which is marked via an assigned tutor. Assessing knowledge/understanding. All units must be assessed in line with the Assessment Strategy.
We have a wide range of courses suited to employers, learners and further education providers. If you need help or advice then do drop us a line.